Monday, September 12, 2011

Rude Awakening

At 6am my neighbors and I woke to the fire bell. Waking isn't my favorite thing. Waking violently an hour before my alarm angers me, but I digress.

After peeing and finding my pants and shoes, I lumbered down the nearest staircase and out into the surprisingly empty yard. One man, apparently on patrol, wore an expression of bewilderment I imagine matched my own.

We circled back to the main entrance to meet the other evacuees. An estimated dozen people in sweats had huddled into pairs. I didn't see any children. Fortunately, there were enough young women that we could repopulate the building if the others were lost to whatever calamity set off the bell.

What? It's good to have a backup plan.

And waited
I wasn't watching the time, but I had long enough to circle another building, return to the main entrance, and stare awkwardly at the young woman who wore a pretty dress to the evacuation.

Suddenly a voice pierced the silence. A woman had called someone to ask why there were no emergency personnel: an excellent question. She told whomever, "All of the tenants have evacuated," which I doubt to be the case. In fact, I know few of my neighbors and I could have named more than were outside.

Some things are important
It was then I noticed how busy the gym was. That's across the hall from my apartment, only two doors down. Why were so many people ignoring the alarm? The noise alone would have driven me out.

Over the next five minutes or so the emergency vehicles started racing into the complex. "Now you're in a hurry?" I thought. Perhaps whatever started the bell did not alert emergency services?

Why was only one person dressed? Her man wore sleep clothes. Was she just getting home? Where had she been? Perhaps by pulling the fire alarm she hoped to avoid "The Talk?"

As you were
I decided to sit and read, but before I finished a page the fire captain sounded all clear. By 6:45 I was back in bed. At 6:50 my alarm went off.

Happy Friday