Tuesday, September 28, 2010

How A Bumble Bee Broke My Leg

A group of convention goers exit their tour bus in the hotel parking
lot. Greg shouts after Dharma, "Hey, watch out there's a..."

Dharma, startled, turns to face him, but does not stop walking; now
walking backwards toward the curb. "Sorry, wha-?"

"There's a bumble bee."

"What?! Oh! Where?"

While the two of them flail at the innocent insect, Dharma stumbles
over the curb.

True story.

Except the broken leg part. No one was hurt. That was me joking with
Dharma about the title of her next book.

Man on Fire

One of the side effects of my quarterly sales conference is rushing.
Our schedule is so tight we run between destinations, or as close to
running as security personnel allow. We even "sleep fast," as we call

The bus returned at 2:30a Monday morning. I slept until 10:30a. I
caught up on personal messages, RSS feeds, and tweets. Showered and
dressed. First meal and errands until 2:30p. Work on guitar, shopping,
second meal until 8:30p. Laundry and more guitar until 12a, then
sleep; all rushed. Happy Monday!

At work Tuesday. Three days worth of email stressed me out, so I
rushed through it and cleared it by noon. I also completed my weekly
report and time sheet in that time. I could have nursed either of
those tasks most of the day, but I was still rushing. Upon returning
from my lunch, I had plenty of work, but no desire to do it, and my
alibi was gone.

At least I had started to relax ☺

Monday, September 27, 2010

Pizza Lobster

Fred used to work at Pizza Hut. He now works at Red Lobster. Wilma
tells a Betty a story about how Pebbles now refers to his workplace as
Lobster Hut. Giggling ensues.

Barney interrupts to say, "Or you could call it Pizza Lobster."

At first, we assumed he was making fun. After some back and forth, and
undue amounts of laughter, we determined he wasn't. Asks Barney, "Why
would it be Lobster Hut?"

"Because Lobster Hut has meaning," says I, "and Pizza Lobster does not."

"Sure it does!"

We laugh, then stare blankly. "Please, describe this enigmatic Pizza
Lobster to us, ingredient by ingredient," I command Barney.

After several minutes of painful and rewarding laughter, Betty
observes that Barney seeks a combination that uses first word, "pizza"
or "red," and second word, "hut" or "lobster." Says I, "He applies a
mathematical solution to a word problem."

Barney seeks to fit life into tiny boxes which are drawn for it.
They're so cute when they're young.

Bus trips are fun.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Breaking Point

I'm in a hotel room. I just sat in the desk chair, which tipped
backward unexpectedly. Do you know that feeling? I've been feeling it
a lot, lately.

There are blogs I never published, because they aren't public. This
explains, partly, the gap in my posting. I have things on my mind I
cannot share. Or I can share different things with different people.

When is the last time you felt that way? Have you written long
letters, then burned them, or given them irrelevant file names?

Our feelings are like water. They can drip annoyingly, trickle
pleasingly, refresh, drown, or burst a dam. We can't live without them
(sorry, Spock).

Periodically the water flows to a place it doesn't fit: a flood. Options:
• Staunch the emotion: maybe impossible, but if you could, maybe a
disservice to who or what you're emotional about
• Build a bigger dam: forestalls the inevitable
• Redirect the water: build some reservoirs and irrigation trenches
and use your gift to grow something beautiful
• Do nothing: dam fails, homes and fields flood

With mixed feelings I admit I've had a lot of practice. I'm getting
very good at "life."

Please excuse me. I have ditches to dig.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Are You Sure You Want To Know?

I'm an honest person. The term "brutally honest?" They're talking about me.

This gives rise to my slogan, "Before you ask a question, be sure you
want the answer.

Overall, I'm happy with the result.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Your Will Be Done: @AvaApollo and @el_bobbo

Ava Apollo (@AvaApollo)
9/2/10 12:34 PM
hahaha how I sexted a doucher. Amazingness.
Bob Thompson (@el_Bobbo)
9/2/10 12:36 PM
☺ glad you like. How's Thursday treating you?
Ava Apollo (@AvaApollo)
9/2/10 1:05 PM
think I have the flu :-/ so I'm tweeting nyquil references and undoubtedly offending former addicts and encouraging current ones
Bob Thompson (@el_Bobbo)
9/2/10 1:07 PM
It's a test. The weak will eliminate themselves with Nyquil fueled accidents. You provide a public service. Feel better!
Ava Apollo (@AvaApollo)
9/2/10 1:16 PM
omg that's a super interpretation of an otherwise tragic situation. If only these were tweets cause this is a hilarious convo

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