Sunday, December 12, 2010

I Need ALL Those Shoes (@sue215)

Christmas shopping: I was sloshing around in the freezing rain. A very light, breathable pair of running shoes was all that separated my increasingly soggy socks from an inch of cold, standing water. My thoughts turned to footwear.

A vision formed in my mind of soft, brown leather with seems sealed against the elements: Timberland, perhaps? But wait, that description is very familiar.

Echoes in my memory spoke of just such a shoe, which felt so good when I slipped it on that I returned an hour over highway to purchase them.

I recalled also that I put them away because the cuffs hit my ankle in a weird way that escaped my notice until I had worn them for a few hours. An annoyance that pales in comparison to soggy socks.

Thank you, rain, for adding value to that purchase. Thank you summertime self for having presence of mind and foresight. Thank you job for funding my adventures. Thank you SR, for enduring my antics. Thank you friends, for reading.

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