Thursday, October 7, 2010


A few weeks ago, I was sitting quietly between meetings at a sales
conference, contemplating my imminent consumption of a cookie, when I
thought to myself, "I'm om-nom-nom-inous!" This promptly became my
Twitter bio, but what does it mean?

For those unaware, "om-nom-nom" is a textual representation of the
sound Cookie Monster makes when he eats. You know Cookie Monster. From
Sesame Street? Oh, never mind.

Definition: One who eats enthusiastically, but without regard for etiquette.
Example: Hey! Remember to breathe! You're om-nom-nom-inous!

Definition: One who eats mass quantities.
Example: Whoa, that Galactus is om-nom-nom-inous (Galactus? Consumer
of worlds? Oh, never mind.)!

Definition: One who loves to taste.
Example: Margaret, your palate is so discerning. You are quite om-nom-nom-inous.

Definition: One who is tasty.
Example: Oh, I could eat you up! You're so om-nom-nom-inous!

Definition: A superlative form of "ominous."
Example: [Bob] I predict your imminent and violent demise. [Mom] Well,
that's om-nom-nom-inous. And creepy. Go to your room.

How would you define om-nom-nom-inous? Hit me back.

1 comment:

  1. Deliciously ominous or something yummy that's about to happen.

    Example: I reckon (that's right, I said reckon) when Thursday comes, something om-nom-nom-inous is coming our way.

    Brian: That's the day the Swanson's truck comes. I'm fixin to get me a ham!
