Sunday, October 24, 2010

How Apple Makes Money

Tallahassee Schmallahassee cost me a lot of money. Why? It was the first music I bought on iTunes. Now, buying music on iTunes is a habit to the tune of about $30/month.

Before I rarely ever bought music, because by the time I got to the music store (online or off) I forgot what song I heard as I was walking through the mall that made me think of an artist whose albums I would like to add to my collection. No more.

Now, when I think of an artist I search them in iTunes immediately. Also, if I hear music I love but don't recognize, Shazam will give me a link to the song in iTunes. Pandora is great at suggesting groups I haven't heard of which are similar to groups I love. It will link me to the album in iTunes, too.

I may purchase the album now or in the future, or decide against it, but I know where to find it. I'm getting what music I buy at a discount. I don't have to find time to rip it to my audio device. Expanding my music collection is enriching my enjoyment of many things I do throughout the day.

How does Apple really make their money? They capture all those impulse purchases I used to decline making at the mall. Genius.

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