Monday, August 9, 2010

Avoid Comparing Yourself To Others

I've been saying this a lot recently, to a lot of different people. Here's the thing, no one can be as good a you as you are. You may want to improve, to be the best you you can be. In fact, I encourage you to spend your life learning and improving*.

The pitfall is when you start comparing yourself to others. So-and-so is prettier. So-and-so probably isn't. You're each just pretty in a different way. There is no benefit to this comparison. It will, however, undercut your valuable self-esteem.

Protect and build your self-esteem at all cost.


Works Consulted
What To Say When You Talk To Yourself - Shad Helmstetter
How To Have Confidence And Power In Dealing With People - Les Giblin
The Magic Of Thinking Big - David Schwartz

* You will be in five years the product of what you read and with whom you associate. Read biographies of successful people, and books by authors such as Dale Carnegie, Napoleon Hill, Og Mandino, and John Maxwell. Consider joining a trade or professional organization, a public speaking group, etc. That should keep you busy for a while.


  1. People don't realize that if they recognize a trait in others that they don't like, it's probably one that they themselves display an awful lot.

    Rather than complain about what is so wrong with others, we should really focus on what you want to improve in ourselves. It's much easier to change ourselves than it is to change other people.

  2. No, they don't. You're on to something. People reflect our attitudes and expectations. So, the more we are positive and eager to learn, so too will be the people that we meet.

  3. One of my tweeps observed it's hard to avoid comparison, because of the habit of judging ourselves and others. I totally agree! The good news is we are in charge of our own habits, and practice makes perfect.
