Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Would you like to know how all this What Would el Bobbo Do stuff started? Of course!

My close, personal friend and I were at a tweet up near my home in Albany, NY. The topic of discussion was work; customer service, overflowing inboxes, and nagging bosses. So my friend says (paraphrased), "I was so happy! One customer I helped sent me a hand-written, thank-you note! Then I got back to my phone and the voicemail light was blinking. Another customer keeps calling and interrupting the work I'm doing for them."

We've all been there. We're on top of and have prioritized our work. Unfortunately, our customers' and bosses each have different priorities: from us and each other.

So what should my friend do? She's very conscientious. She was on top of her work and knew the best way to help the nagging customer was to ignore them for now, then call them back with results. El Bobbo suggested folding the thank you card into a teepee and placing it over the voicemail light. And so it began.

What would YOU do?

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