Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What's That on My Shirt?

So I had a lot of obstacles on the way to work this morning. The first was my realization that all my clean clothes were wadded up on the floor in the living room. Ironing?! Ugh!

A bunch of red lights, drivers with opposing objectives, and trafficky street crossings later, I look down and see SPOTS ON MY SHIRT! Where did they come from? This is not cool.

What would el Bobbo do?

I reached into my bag and pulled out my LOC wipes. I took one out, wiped the spots off my shirt, and tossed it away.

If you want to be able to do that, you'll have to click the link.

What would YOU do?


  1. I'd go to the mall on lunch and buy a new shirt.

    That is, until my LOC wipes arrive in my next order. :)

  2. I'd get some coffee so by the time I got to work, if any one mentioned spots, I could look down and say "Which ones?"

  3. Say like they're crazy, "Spots? What spots?" If anyone notices. LOC Wipes rock !

  4. I think you probably do that and get away with it. Maybe I'll try it, when I don't have my bag with me?
