Friday, November 5, 2010

Blogging with Style(-us)

One of my obstacles to frequent blogging, aside from having little to say, and as I've mentioned previously, is that I'm rarely in front of a computer outside of my job. I do almost everything I need in a month with my phone. As I've also mentioned, I hate typing on it. I have large hands. My fingers don't fit, and I can't see the magnified letters through the back of my hand.

My sister was in town. Well, not my town. I went to my parents' to visit them all, and noticed my mom had a capacitive stylus she was using to draw on her iPad. Mom is very hip. Anyway, I picked it up and tried it out with my phone.

Much. Better.

Typing wasn't faster, exactly, but was much less frustrating. Sold. I went to Apple and bought one on my way home. I'm still adapting. It's a different feel, and it's a little touchy. I feel like I have to swipe at some things like a check mark. Others I seem to have to poke, like I'm tossing a dart.

So here is the big test. I'm typing a post with it. How did I do? And I also drew this picture.


  1. Carol's got an iPad??? Superduper hippage!

  2. I have never heard of one of those!!!! Go mom....

  3. I don't know what's failing, but I can't paste the links so I'll do so when I'm on the computer. :(

  4. Here we go.

    My stylus

