Saturday, November 6, 2010

Dear Blogger-spot

I blog from my mobile device. It is evident from your design decisions that you never expected I would. Blogger/Blogspot is difficult to read on mobile devices. Posting and commenting do not work properly. Your talent at all things web are evident. The blogs are beautiful and easy to set up. Posting by email is handy, and is the means I normally use from my mobile, however it is incomplete: meant as a convenience or for use in case of emergency. Thank you for that. What would be a great help to us is a mobile-friendly site. I expect that's a small matter adding mobile templates for us to use and correcting some slight errors in code that have gone unnoticed on your three 24" widescreen monitored development rigs. With your talent, I expect that to be trivial. Alternately, a blogger app that allowed us to post, review and add comments, moderate and edit posts, upload pictures, or anything else we would normally do with the dashboard. That's less trivial, but you could get a student to do it during your Summer of Code, or something. Thank you so much.

Much love,

1 comment:

  1. This post brought without paragraphs due to the crazy things the post editor does on my phone when I hit Return.
